The year was 2011. Board exam results had been declared, and it seemed like almost every candidate had passed with flying colours. But the year was notable for another reason — it was the first time Delhi University cut-offs touched 100%. Yes, 100%. And since then, college cut-offs and exam scores have shown no signs of abating. As a consequence, school kids are now under immense pressure to excel in academics and extracurriculars. School days are packed, leaving them little or no time for leisure, and leading to excess stress and anxiety.
Which is why, we have put together a list on how to make your child’s (and your) days efficient and stress-free!
First and foremost, draw up a combined routine — buy or create a colourful desk or wall planner, and jot down the things that need to be done every day, without fail. These responsibilities should be divided between you and your kids, such as making breakfast, packing bags and finishing homework. Remember to incorporate your child’s inputs, such as an hour for video games, reading or music. After all, the more invested they feel, the more likely they are to follow this schedule. Once the plan is in place, move to implementation.
Get mornings sorted the night before — set out school uniforms, watches and shoes. Trust us, you will be surprised at the amount of time you save. Preparation for breakfast can also be done, even if it is keeping a bowl of milk in the fridge, ready for cereal. This tip comes in handy, especially if your child is not a morning person. Ensure your young one has his or her bag packed and homework done before going to bed.
It seems impossible, but mornings are meant to be leisurely, not rushed. A tried and tested method to set your clocks at least 15 minutes ahead — it creates a sense of urgency, and you will be surprised at how quickly your kids jump out of bed. Soon, waking up just a little earlier than required will become a habit. This extra time can be used to meditate, exercise or just enjoy heartier breakfast, which is sure to fuel them for the day!
We understand that school days can often be exhausting — a good way to combat this by teaching your kids some breathing exercises they can do in class. Moreover, pack lunch along with healthy snacks like dry fruits and sprouts, which will keep their energy levels up and attention spans extended — even during the afternoon lull.
Now, we understand that as a parent, you want your child to excel at as many activities as possible. But this might be causing undue stress to your youngster. It is a good idea to realistically assess your child’s talents and interests and cut out those extracurriculars he or she is not particularly enjoying. Remember, less is more.
Weekends are time for relaxation — but that does not mean academics takes a backseat! Make sure your young one sets aside time for study session. It is always a good idea to revise the past week’s lessons, and stay on top of what is ahead. Also, while sleeping into the afternoon might sound tempting, it is best to wake up as early as possible, so that sleeping patterns are not disrupted. After all, Mondays are always around the corner — and snoozing the alarm clock will only make you drowsier.
Lastly, a blackboard would make a great addition to your kitchen or living room — and not just for aesthetic purposes. Make a list of specific things to be done every day and check them off once complete — for example, carry art supplies to school, buy new notebooks or complete pending homework. It is a fun way to keep track of your child’s chores, and of course there is the satisfaction of ticking off a complete list.
So if your child seems anxious or on edge, pick up a pen and paper, and start planning. Surely, it will make their life, and yours, a lot smoother.
Which is why, we have put together a list on how to make your child’s (and your) days efficient and stress-free!
First and foremost, draw up a combined routine — buy or create a colourful desk or wall planner, and jot down the things that need to be done every day, without fail. These responsibilities should be divided between you and your kids, such as making breakfast, packing bags and finishing homework. Remember to incorporate your child’s inputs, such as an hour for video games, reading or music. After all, the more invested they feel, the more likely they are to follow this schedule. Once the plan is in place, move to implementation.
Get mornings sorted the night before — set out school uniforms, watches and shoes. Trust us, you will be surprised at the amount of time you save. Preparation for breakfast can also be done, even if it is keeping a bowl of milk in the fridge, ready for cereal. This tip comes in handy, especially if your child is not a morning person. Ensure your young one has his or her bag packed and homework done before going to bed.
It seems impossible, but mornings are meant to be leisurely, not rushed. A tried and tested method to set your clocks at least 15 minutes ahead — it creates a sense of urgency, and you will be surprised at how quickly your kids jump out of bed. Soon, waking up just a little earlier than required will become a habit. This extra time can be used to meditate, exercise or just enjoy heartier breakfast, which is sure to fuel them for the day!
We understand that school days can often be exhausting — a good way to combat this by teaching your kids some breathing exercises they can do in class. Moreover, pack lunch along with healthy snacks like dry fruits and sprouts, which will keep their energy levels up and attention spans extended — even during the afternoon lull.
Now, we understand that as a parent, you want your child to excel at as many activities as possible. But this might be causing undue stress to your youngster. It is a good idea to realistically assess your child’s talents and interests and cut out those extracurriculars he or she is not particularly enjoying. Remember, less is more.
Weekends are time for relaxation — but that does not mean academics takes a backseat! Make sure your young one sets aside time for study session. It is always a good idea to revise the past week’s lessons, and stay on top of what is ahead. Also, while sleeping into the afternoon might sound tempting, it is best to wake up as early as possible, so that sleeping patterns are not disrupted. After all, Mondays are always around the corner — and snoozing the alarm clock will only make you drowsier.
Lastly, a blackboard would make a great addition to your kitchen or living room — and not just for aesthetic purposes. Make a list of specific things to be done every day and check them off once complete — for example, carry art supplies to school, buy new notebooks or complete pending homework. It is a fun way to keep track of your child’s chores, and of course there is the satisfaction of ticking off a complete list.
So if your child seems anxious or on edge, pick up a pen and paper, and start planning. Surely, it will make their life, and yours, a lot smoother.